Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter 2008

It isn't even to the end of December yet and we have already had one snow before this that didn't accumulate to much. It is now two weeks later and we are having blizzardous weather. I didnt' have to go to work today because when I woke up there was already 6 inches of snow on the ground. It is falling heavy and fast. There is now about a foot maybe more on the ground and it is still hammering down. It is about one o clock in the afternoon.
I was excited at first, but now I am just getting kinda bored being stuck at the house. I am getting a lot done, although I wish that I could be spending time with Matt. He is out plowing in the skid loader, and I am unable to go with him.... It would be quite the uncomfortable ride, as well as he is very busy, and I'd probably be more bored with him, but at least I wouldn't be missing him. He came in last night at about 11 o clock and he got about three hours of sleep, before waking up at two in the morning to go out and plow. I heard him start his truck up and it must have taken him a while to get the snow off his truck, because it seemed to take forever before he began to pull out of the driveway. I slept in till around 8 this morning almost. I have prepared some rice a roni and some alredo noodles ahead of time incase the power goes out soon, which is expected to happen. I am also charging up the camera and cell phone.
It is so hard just sitting at the house and waiting for the chance to see Matt. The last time that I called him he picked up and hung up. I know that he is really busy, and I felt bad calling, but I guess I was just trying to find a way to bribe him into coming to my house when he is done plowing. I know that easier thing for him to do would be to go to his house because it is right in leesburg, when he is finished plowing for madigan... And he has to wake up and go to work for the county in the morning at 8 o clock. So it would be really out of his way to come out here to be with me. I wish that it were simple, but it's not on snowy days like today.
I wish that my car were able to move, and that the roads were cleared. Haha, but then I guess that I'd be at work today then. I just wish that I had a way to get to Matt's house somehow, but that's just another one of those things that isn't really possile right now either. I brushed the snow off mine and my mom's car. They are already covered again probably. I went out a few minutes ago to the car to see if I could find the rest of Katie's holiday present, but no such luck with that, I did however find a dollar bill laying by the passenger seat. I am pondering over whose doller it might be, and as to how mad they would be if they knew that I found it and were keeping it. O well, it is only a doller.
Sport doesn't seem too happy about the snow, he has just been sitting on the back of his chair in the living room, hastily looking out in a mopey way. Poor guy can't walk around that good in the snow, so he can't really have that much fun outside in these conditions. He probably also wishes that Matt were here spending some time with us. He loves Matt too. I think that sport and I feel the same way right now.
Mom and I have just been cleaning and cleaning away and trying to get things done before the snow gets too too bad. But I think that I am about to run out of things to do. Thank goodness Matt just called me. He is getting off with madigan now. He worked ten hourd with them. Now he is going to his house to get some sleep, he said that he might wake up and come out to my house after he gets a couple hours of rest... but I don't imagine that happening. I'm going to be lonely for the next day or two.