Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Slow Snow Days

Right now I am planning out all of the little things that I need to get done before the snow gets too bad. Although during the last storm this past weekend, my house didn't lose power, and I was out plowing in Leesburg with Matt through the later part of the storm which laid down two and a half foot of snow. It has been only a couple days after that storm, which caused most of leesburg to lose power, as well as both of my neighbors haven't had power since friday night, and it is now Tues.
The fitzgeralds who live behind me are going to go stay in a hotel. They had to go out to home depot last night to purchase a generator which only would power two of their heaters, which would make it so that their pipes in their house wouldnt freeze. I looked out the window and saw their whole family going out and getting in their cars to go to the hotel about an hour ago. I felt sorry for them, but at least they are all going to go out and take a shower. They haven't had the best of luck since they have lived here with certain things like that.
My other neighbors are really nice people, and my mom said that Polly, the lady called, and she just needed someone to bitch to, because they are so stressed out since their power has been out for the same amount of time. Unfortunately there is only so much that you can do to help your neighbors out in this situation.
So my sched at work has been cut back. I am only working three days a week now instead of four, and of course I get to work shitty days, such as Monday, Friday, and Sat... I dont understand what is going on. I am irritated about it, becuase I quit my other job at beekeepers so that I could put in more hours at Advance, and then we lost our store manager... Now we finally get a new one after months of waiting, and he's nice and everything, but.... I don't know, I guess I don't feel as appreciated as I did before when I was working there. I guess my importance in the workplace makes me want to work harder to prove my place. I need to motivate myself to be really cheerful and stuff like I had been for a while. I have had quite a lot of compliments from customers and from management at Advance, But I dont know why I haven't been as happy and satisfied lately working there. I have been looking for other jobs, and it seems like that since I told tower that I used him for a refrence things haven't been going so well. He tries to encourage me to work hard now and then it will pay off later, but when I already had been let down from dropping my other job when he told me to, and then that NOT paying off like I had thought that it would, even after all of my patience with everything, I am just not happy anymore, and yes, I would LOVE to find another job, even though I love everyone that I work with at Advance, I just don't really like working there all that much to want to work there a WHOLE heck of a lot... I am almost glad that my hours got cut, now i am able to think about doing things that I have been wanting to do for a while. I've been wanting to lease a horse and get some riding in.... and haven't been able to even like go see any horses becuase i have been so busy with work. Now i have found something That i thnk will really work out well for me and it is close by my house. it is a lease of a Warmblood horse, and it is very affordable for me. So maybe I will have the time that i need to be able to enjoy myself..... and that would also help me get some excersize, which it seems like i desperately need.
Not much else has really been going on. I am not looking forward to Valentines day, becuase I know that my boyfriend matt will forget about me again.