Friday, January 7, 2011

Time is obese

I dont know why in the world last night, when I would wake up, I'd think about becomming a train dispatcher. I think that Matt is putting a lot of pressure on me, which he shouldnt really be. I am getting my job back at advance to work while I am going to school. And it is almost like he is trying to make me think that school is wasted time. I know that I don't want to work at advance the rest of my life, or in a place like it. I want to make my life better then that. I feel sorry for the people who are working their butts off in there but it is what they made for themselves. To me the time that it is taking me to get my education will prevent me from being miserable later on in life. And I guess the dispatcher job is like another easy way out-- Like... ha, that only takes ten weeks of training and then I would make at least 50k a year, probably more. I don't rule something like that out, just because I feel like I can't wait another three years to start my life-- This really is one of the most stressful times in life. and Matt--- well he had it easy, and even when he didnt-- he didnt even think about how he were going to better himself. He never worried about it. But for some reason here, I am trying to figure it all out, and matt is just pushing me away from doing that for myself. I need his support, not him to critisize me for not working all the time-- I am going to school. I am doing what I can right now to work towards the future... that is my main goal... yet he doesnt see it like that, he acts like I am slacking off or wasteing my time. It really gets old. I dont know how to explain this to him. Like... I am sure that if i were to suggest that I do ten weeks of training away from home that he would be all about it. But would that really make me happy?? Having to drive an hour at least to work every day and having stress on my shoulders?? I mean I think that the job would be alright, but I can't picture myself working nights and everything like you are required I am pretty sure. I can ask my uncle what he thinks.. and what he knows about the job. That way I am not just guessing that it wouldn't be a good decision. But I think that my main reason for making the decision would be to just make matt happy and have his support on something. It sucks that he doesnt appreciate me for what I am doing right now.... It doesnt make me feel good.