Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I Just started this blog. I was inspired this morning by a woman that I work for. She told me that her mother was murdered 7 years ago and the man that did it was sentenced to death. I hate to be the person to pass judgement on someone else, but in cold blood like that, to murder an elderly sweet woman that meant to much to so many is beyond the bounds of forgiveness, and I do not blame those who and knew and loved and lost someone in that brutality to feel no mercy when it comes to uncovering the darkness, and in an uncommen way feeling uplifted at the punishment that will be brought down on others who performed the acts of violence and gross crimes.
7 years had passed and this man still can have no remorse for those committed elements of selfishness. To be honest I had never heard a more greedful story. Through out my life it has made an impression on me that money and greed are connected to most of the sadness in peoples lives. The man who murdered Nancy Hilliards mother is a clear depiction of the image that is cast on those sorry people who lower themselves and are overpowered by materials and greed. Nancy's mother was murdered for the 2 carret diamond ring that she wore as a symbol for the trusting bond she had for 35 years with her husband, and as a gift for being "the best mother, wife and friend". It is sickening to me to think that someone could overlook all of those things because they are so weak. He stole that ring from her finger, but he stole much more out of the lives of everyone who knew Nancy's mother.
It is amazing to me that this morning Nancy told me that she was going to have to go away for a couple weeks. I had never heard anything about this murder before, and assumed that nothing this horrible had ever encounterd a person as nice and sweet loving as Nancy. She is strong, and that is what inspired me to start this blog. Because I want to highlight the strengths that go un-noticed in my life, and in peoples lives around me. I don't just want to tell my stories, but I want to connect my stories with other people.

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