Thursday, October 21, 2010


Matt has said that he doesnt want to have a big wedding or anything. He said that he just wants it to be a casual thing and he just cares if his mom and sister are there, and my mom and dad. I'd like to have more people there than that.
Even though he doesnt want to have a big wedding or anything, I think that I'd still like to have a get together at my house with some food and drinks and set up some tables and decorations and get married infront of the lilac bush or something?? Or out in the dront yard by my grandmas tree that we have planted there. We dont need to have seats for people, and I don't need to have a dress or anything. It could all be casual, but I do want a preecher. I need to start thinking of people who are able to marry us I guess.
I said that we could wait until I am finished with school and get a job and everything, and he says that he wants to be married before all of that. I dont really know what to think, I'd like to have a little bit of time to plan something for myself. I want like close family and friends to come and just have a really good time together. I think that it would be awesome. I don't care what time of the year we have it in or anything. We could also just go to the court house and have the justice of the peacce marry us and that is free of charge, you just have to pay for you marriage liscense. And then we could come back to my house and have the party there, That way I dont really have to even stress about time management or anything like that. we could get married a couple days before we have the get together, or whatever. I dont really care.
I emailed colonial jewlers about the ring so I am waiting to hear back from them about that.

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