Monday, December 27, 2010


WOWW! Matt proposed to me christmas morning 2010!! 5 days before I am 21. I really thought that he would make me wait a long time for the ring, or to propose. I am so excited and happy it is unbelievable.
I think that we are making some progress trying to decide what we want to do. I still want a white dress, and I still want a preecher, and I still want ONE day to celebrate US.. And I think that every part of that is comprimisable to certain things that he wants. I know that he doesnt want to have to wear a suit or rent a tux. the more simple it is, the easier, and more enjoyable that it will end up being for him. I can understand that.
I think that we have agreed that having it at the pond would be a great idea for us. I love the gazabo and i would love to have it right there-- with the beautiful trees and everything. I am excited about having such a nice location and area down at the pond that i have realized that I like so much. it would just need a few decorations to be able to turn it into something out of a magazine. We both want a small ceremony, with just our CLOSEST family and possibly some very close friends like ashleigh and whoever matt would really like to be there. Those are some of the things that we really need to get clairified. After the ceremony at the pond, then I'd like to have the BIG party/reception up at my house and then everyone who wants to come can join us to celebrate!
I still want to send out invitations for the reception party, especially to the family and friends who I really want to have show up.
The dress:: I am thinking not over 100.00 maybe?? I want something that fits great, i dont care where I get it... and I want it to be comfortable to wear all day long.
I am super stoked to be wearing a simple beautiful ring from someone with a beautiful heart who I am looking so much forward to spending the rest of my life with!!

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