Thursday, December 16, 2010

Almost 21

So, lately I have been thinking a lot about the future, my goals, what I want in the rest of my life. I have decided to start working towards an associates degree in radiography. I will start by doing my general education requirements at FCC and then once I am done, go on to hagerstown community college to do their 2 yr program. I am excited about the oppertunities and doors that this will open for me later on in life. I am hopeing that maybe during the program I will also be able to attain some medical experience at some point and be able to get a good job as soon as I have completed the program.
It is mid december now. Looking forward to my 21st birthday on the 30th. I have looked around at some different jewelry stores and what not. I dont think that white and ivory would be the place to buy. I dont think that colonial is the correct thing that is the LIFETIME piece that I am looking for, no matter how much I did love that ring. I am not going to settle for a fake diamond, that is neither a life time piece that I desire.
Matt said that he got a credit card and activated it and he will be able to go and purchase a diamnd engagement ring. so WOW, I really did NOT expect this-- and I am very suprised and looking forward to it. I am going to just let matt pick it out I believe. I will try to let him know one more time what it is that he should focus on when going into the store. I don't really care about the setting. I would like to have just a plain solitaire setting and then I want him to do the honors of picking out the diamond for me. I think that he will do a great job at that! and I believe that he is the one purchasing the ring, so he should have the honors of making the decisions about it, unless he really doesnt want to. There are a lot of really nice bands that I could put with it, i'd like to find something cheap but something antique looking to pair with whatever solitaire engagement ring that he will get for me. That is the best part about the solitaire... LIKE i have no idea what I REALLY want right now as far as setting goes, so later on down the road in like 5 years I can pick out my semimount and keep my beautiful diamond that matt gets for me. And ANY band will go with the plain solitaire setting. So I think the plain/classic ring styles will suit us the best.
When matt told me that he got the credit card to get the ring, it almost felt like he was asking me to marry him right there on the spot. I got this feeling in my stomach, my face, my hands and legs that I dont think could ever be met by any other feeling. It was as though my brain were fireing impulses, like it were jumping for joy inside. So I can't wait for the moment when he does propose. No matter how many times i may invision it or think it all through, I will not be able to predit that feeling until the time that it comes.
So for now-- Matt and I have talked just briefly about how we would like to get married. I had once thought of having a wedding at Georges Mill bed and breakfast in lovettsville. That would have been perfect, but would have been more costly then I think either one of us would have wanted. I can understand his desire to save money, and to not spend it on a big shindig that is just one day that we will blow a whole bunch of money on. I completely agree. But my parents would be more than willing to help me have a ceremony-- they would probably pay for anything that i asked them to, but what I have come up with seems to have a light budget with it.
The gazabo at the pond would b the most perfect place to have the ceremony. I am thinking like 25-35 people attending the ceremony and then have an after party at my house. I could just buy a nice white dress somewhere for like 100.00 and then matt can wear his nice clothes. NOT make it a HUGE big deal, but make it memorable-- for us and for some of our most closest family or friends.

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